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AUD $5,339 of AUD $3,000 target.


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Riley Bride

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Riley Bride


I have decided to fundraise for Wigs for Kids because I want to help those kids who can't grow or keep their hair. I want them to feel happy in their own skin and to donate my hair to someone who needs it more than I do.

I will be shaving my hair off for my birthday in November and would love people to sponsor this cause.

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Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation Inc

Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation Inc. (AAAF), is established to be the national Australia body supporting research to find a cure or acceptable treatment for all forms of Alopecia Areata, support those with the disease and their families, and inform the public about all forms of Alopecia Areata.
Our Service philosophy is to give each person the best chance of managing their alopecia journey positively, the whole family and each individual needs to be supported to manage their unique experience. By reducing the financial and emotional stress and enabling children, young people, adults and their support networks to develop their strengths and skills, AAAF assists the whole family to achieve that positive journey. - Boldest Bald Tea Event   AAAF general donation page.

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